
Good health and behaviors that help your body and brain function optimally. It’s curing, managing, and preventing illness. It’s a healthy diet that helps you maintain energy. It’s your individual mix of exercise and being able to move without pain and limitations.

Healthy Habits

Walk to relieve stress and improve your health

Create a fitness routine


Coping with normal stresses of life, maintaining your mental health, working effectively, and sustaining a meaningful life outside work.

Healthy Habits


Meeting current and ongoing financial obligations, feeling secure in your financial future, and being able to make choices that allow you to enjoy life.

Healthy Habits

Review Bank of America Better Money Habits

Enrich for Salaried employees


Your mind’s and body’s ability to restore your resources, develop, and perform again tomorrow. Recovery includes sleep, mental recovery, and renewal – and needs to occur daily, weekly, monthly, and long term.

Healthy Habits


Developing and sustaining meaningful relationships with others – family, friends, colleagues, your community. It encompasses the ability to engage in positive interactions, manage and understand emotions, feel belonging, and share and celebrate failures and successes with others.

Healthy Habits

Strengthen Your Relationships - Webinar


Overarching sense of what matters in life. It’s your personal meaning, identity and direction – the feeling that you are making a positive contribution to something that matters.

Healthy Habits

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Steps Toward Wellbeing